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Is Crate Training Your Pet Cruel Or Not?

Some people are under the misconception that putting a dog in a crate is cruel to the animal. If this is done improperly, then yes I agree. However, if the Crate Training Technique is implemented properly this is not so. With this Article I hope to explain and convince you how and why this is beneficial to both you and your pet.

Let us begin with the improper uses of a dog crate. First and most important is never, ever use a crate to punish your animal. You will only create the idea that this is a bad place for him. Another improper use is to keep your pet in the crate for long periods of time. Depending on the age of your pet, the time limits will be different. For a list of time limitations by ages, you can go to a detailed guide on Crate Training. Also, please teach your children to respect the dog's crate. They should not be permitted to play in the crate, or pester the dog while he is in it.

Now let me explain why Crate Training your pet is important. Your pet has a den instinct inherited from ancestors years and years ago. If a crate is introduced properly to your pet, he will think of this as his den or safe place. Your dog will feel that his crate is a secure place for him to go when he is tired or stressed. In reality, his crate serves to replicate the sense of a den that he instinctively craves.

Another feature a crate can offer is it can be used as a great technique for housebreaking your pet. Most puppies will not soil their den, and if done properly this holds true in the crate as well. Make sure your crate is the correct size for your pet. You do not want to make his area too big. Your pet should be able to stand and turn around comfortably. Most of the Midwest styles come with a divider panel which let you adjust the size of the crate to grow with your puppy. This is a great feature because you only need to purchase one crate. Next you should get your pet on a schedule for potty breaks. Take your pet outside 15 to 30 minutes after each meal until he relieves himself. Praise him a great deal when he does. Choose a word you would like him to associate with doing his business. I use the word "make". When you take your pet outside, tell him let's go "make". When he accomplishes this, praise him with "good make". Depending on your dog's age will determine how often during the day and night he should be taken outside. You can use the link to the Crate Training information I have mentioned above to find your pets time limitations.

Crate Training also helps to keep your home from being destroyed in the early puppy chewing stages. It is a fact that all puppies like to chew. They are like children and need to be taught what is expected of them. Until they are over this stage a crate is the perfect place for your pet when your are not able to keep an eye on them. Place a few chew toys with some treats inside and they will be happy and content while you are busy.

I have used this method with my dogs. I am a die hard animal lover, and if this was cruel in any way I would be the first one screaming to stop this practice. My current dog is a German Shepherd we adopted at 5 weeks of age. He was badly injured and abandoned at an Emergency Vet. To make a long story short, they fixed him up and offered him to us. We started Crate Training him right away. When he was about 2 years old we decided to take his crate down. Buster (our German Shepherd) cried and moaned the entire night. We actually had to put his crate back up. That night he slept like a baby all night long. Now, does that sound cruel to you?

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About the Author

Barbara Young, Busters Canine Supply Outlet
Bristol, CT 06010

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